Official symposium journal

Participants are invited to submit manuscripts based on ISSS 2015 presentations for possible publication in Journal of Chromatography A, with the intention of publishing in a Virtual Special Issue that is dedicated to ISSS 2015 International Symposium.

A Virtual Special Issue (VSI) is a new concept which essentially rules out possible delays in publication for contributors to the special issue and will make the conference special issue more complete and accessible than it has ever been. Please see below its advantageous characteristics:

  • Papers are published individually in regular journal issues as soon as they are accepted;
  • Footnote indicating which conference they were presented will be included, and will link to the VSI;
  • VSI will be prepared and hosted on Journal Homepage site – with links to the relevant papers at Science Direct;
  • The VSI will include a preface, photos and/or videos, award information if any, of the conference.

 Authors are invited to submit via the journal’s online submission system. Please see below submission instructions:

  • Submission links:;
  • Click on the “Submit Paper” option from the top menu;
  • Enter your user name and password (first time users will have to register);
  • Please select article type “SI: ISSS 2015” from the drop-down menu;
  • Follow the remaining step-by-step instructions to submit your paper;
  • In your cover letter please mention that your manuscript is intended for ISSS 2015 virtual special issue;
  • Submission deadline: 15th Sept 2015.

When preparing your manuscript(s), please carefully follow the journal’s Guide for Authors, which you can find on the online submission site.

All manuscripts will be subjected to the mandatory selection process for the journal, including the strict peer review procedure; therefore acceptance for presentation at the conference is not a guarantee for publication in the journal.

In case you require any assistance during the submission process, please contact Elsevier's Author Support (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).